Blending Biblical Theology and Practice to Equip Worship Leaders and Churches
Prepare '23:
Worship Theology
March 25, 2023
Come join in a morning of worship, food, peer interaction, and three short talks with round-table discussion to get a taste of how to be better equipped theologically to lead and prepare worship for your congregation. See our list of speakers below.
Where: Cloverdale Baptist Church - 18685 64 Ave, Surrey, BC V3S 8X3
When: 9am-12:30pm, Saturday, Mar. 25, 2023
Cost: $30/person. Groups of 4 or more: $25
Registration opens soon!
Session details:
9 - 10am Gathered worship & Fellowship breakfast
10 - 10:30am Session 1 - Worship & Hope: How God's Story is our Help in Turbulent Times - With Johnny Markin
10:30 - 11am Session 2 - God Always Moves First: Paul’s Definition of Worship - With Stacey Gleddiesmith.
11 - 11:15 Coffee Break
11:15 - 11:45 Session 3 - How Should the Biblical Psalms Inform Christian Worship? - With Dr. Craig Broyles
12:15-12:30 - Closing worship
Our Speakers
Each of our speakers has had a long career in ministry, education, and also in leadership development among worship leaders. They bring a vast depth of study knowledge and practical experience to help equip both career and lay leaders in their tasks of cultivating meaningful biblical worship gatherings.